Tim from Prufrock Coffee gives details of his journey to Fuglen and Tim Wendelboe when visiting Oslo, Norway.
"I visited Oslo in January this year and really enjoyed going around the city. I went on a lovely walk in Oslo Botanical Garden and had some great food at Hrimnir, an amazing ramen place! We visited many speciality coffee places during the trip, but my two favourites were Fuglen and Tim Wendelboe."
Fuglen is a raw looking open space with a large shared table and a string of bar seating along one side, peering out the window onto old warehouses and a few houses. The two roasters are positioned just beside the barista area, both operating side by side, with a quality control and packing table in a far corner. The space felt like a cafe made out of a spare corner of the roastery, like an afterthought that has become popular with the local artists, offices and trade workers.
Staff were welcoming and well informed, happy to make us a hand brew without hesitation. They were all casually dressed with an easy-going attitude, and jovial amongst each other.
What I tasted from the menu:
- Alfredo Baos, a washed Colombian coffee, was tasty and warming with notes of brown sugar
- Aricha, a natural Ethiopian coffee, was wonderfully floral and delicious
- I bought a bag of Kangocho AA, a washed Kenyan coffee. Fuglen offers you a free cup of coffee if you buy a bag!
Read more about Fuglen on their website
Tim Wendelboe
Tim Wendelbow is a quiet, intimate space, with subtle features like foldaway coat hooks and toilet rolls without a useless cardboard tube in the middle. Everything seems like it is very considered and purposeful, no frills nor food offerings, but no need for them either.
Staff were excellent; friendly but retaining the classic ideals of high end waiting with white collared shirts, crisp aprons, good posture and seemingly everything on the menu memorised.
What I tasted on the menu:
- A tasting board for two was made up of four different coffees brewed on Aeropress. They were presented two at a time by the barista with stories of each coffee; why they were chosen by the roastery and how they compare to each other when drinking them.
- We also had a fantastic pot of cascara to share - possibly my favourite out of my many times drinking cascara in the past.